- India accounts for 7.8 million of the 39 million blind people in the world
- Prevalence rate of blindness: 1.05%
- Cataract Surgical rate (2007-08): 4,709
- Causes of blindness in India
- Cataract: 62%
- Refractive error: 19.7%
- Glaucoma: 8.5%
- Corneal blindness: 1%
- Diabetic retinopathy and age related macular degeneration: 4.7%
- Total number of visually impaired people: 285 million
- Childhood blindness in India: 0.8/1,000 children in <16 years age group (300,000 blind children)
India Accounts, Deccan Herald, Friday 20 November 2015